Job Interview

    A job interview is an interview consisting of a conversation between a job applicant and a representative of an employer which is conducted to assess whether the applicant should be hired. Interviews are one of the most popularly used devices for employee selection. Interviews vary in the extent to which the questions are structured, from a totally unstructured and free-wheeling conversation to a structured interview in which an applicant is asked a predetermined list of questions in a specified order structured interviews are usually more accurate predictors of which applicants will make suitable employees, according to research studies.

        Here are some useful expressions for the most common types of job interview questions.
  • Draw attention to your education and qualifications, or any formal training you may have received:
    1. I graduated from (university/college etc.) in (the year)… 
    2. I studied at (university/college)… 
    3. I got a diploma in…. and then went on to study...
  • Focus on your work experience and your career so far:
    1. I worked for (company name) as a (job role)…
    2. I worked in (sector) for (period of time)…
    3. I was promoted to (job role)…
  • Describe your best features and what motivates you:
    1. I am self-motivated.
    2. I am proud of...
    3. I perform well under pressure.
  • Use intensifiers to make stronger statements:
    1. I am very organized and extremely focused.
    2. I am really good at showing initiative/presenting information/problem-solving/controlling budgets/achieving objectives/motivating colleagues/meeting deadlines/creating ideas.
    3. I have very good people skills/management skills/organizational skills.
  • Make sure you highlight your language skills:
    1. I have effective communication skills in English, both verbally and in writing.
    2. I’ve been using English in my professional life for the past …… years.
    3. I’ve got a good grasp of the specialized English needed in this post/industry.
  • Include any technical expertise or projects that might be relevant to the role:
    1. I am very proud of (the last project I was involved in) because...
    2. I have (say how many years) experience working in (the sector)...
    3. I have worked in (sector) for...
  • If appropriate, talk about your background, where you are from, and where you grew up:
    1. I was born in (country) and grew up in (country).
    2. I relocated/moved to (country) when I was (age).
    3. I speak (number) languages.
  • If you are asked questions that test your technical skills, the STAR approach will help keep you focused on your answer. 
STAR stands for: Situation, Task, Action, Result. 

    • Situation: 

      1. When I worked for...I sold/set up/ created/implemented/controlled/managed/ designed...
      2. A good example that comes to mind is...
      3. I worked in the...department for (period of time) and had to manage/oversee/control/create/liaise with/prepare/provide/organise/support/lead/review...
    • Task:
      1. As part of my role as a (job) I also had to (what)…
      2. I was asked to...
    • Action:
      1. I held a meeting with...
      2. I created a...
      3. I liaised with...
    • Result:
      1. I successfully managed/controlled/ created…
      2. We won the contract/the tender/the award…
      3. I was able to resolve the situation/find solutions/negotiate a better…/move from ……. to……
  • Demonstrate you can solve a problem:  
    1. A good example that comes to mind is...
    2. In my role as…. I was responsible for...
    3. Our team was under pressure to meet new deadlines.
  • It is always a good idea to give examples of how you use your skills in a work setting:
    1. I was involved in several projects…
    2. I have managed a large number of projects over the years….
    3. I set up several new systems.
  • You may be asked to talk about how you’d like to develop and where you see yourself in the future:
    1. I would like to take on more responsibility.
    2. I’m looking to further my career.
    3. I would like to further my career, so opportunities for professional development would be important to me.
  • Some interviewers may want to know what other interests you have outside of work. Here are a few suggestions:
    1. I like/love going to art galleries/museums…
    2. I like/love playing football/tennis…
    3. I watch a lot of...
  • Finally, ask the interviewer questions to find out if the job and the company is the right one for you. You could ask:
    1. Where do you see the company in 5 years?
    2. Can you describe the working culture of the organization?
    3. Can you tell me more about the team I would be working in?

        Here are some tips when you are in the job interview.
  • DO
    1. Prepare a complete, attractive resume that stresses your qualifications in a positive manner.
    2. Get permission from people you plan to use as references.
    3. Write an effective cover letter that really sells “you”
    4. Fill out the application completely, accurately, ang legibly.
    5. Use the completed resume as a reference for filling out the application.
    6. Arrive for the interview a few minutes early.
    7. Dress appropriately for the interview.
    8. Go to the interview alone.
    9. Bring resume, social security card, work permits, and licenses to the interview.
    10. Greet the receptionist and interviewer courteously.
    11. Present yourself with confidence.
    12. Research the company.
    13. Be prepared to answer questions about yourself and your qualifications.
    14. Be prepared to ask questions about the company.
    15. Smile.
    16. Follow the interview with a thank-you letter.
  • DON'T
    1. Do not present a resume that was hastily put together or has typographical errors and smudge.
    2. Do not use general, all-purpose resume.
    3. Do not use give inaccurate information.
    4. Do not present an application that is unreadable or incomplete.
    5. Do not arrive late for an interview.
    6. Do not wear jeans, wrinkled clothing, or outrageous jewelry to an interview.
    7. Do not overdo perfume or aftershave.
    8. Do not take friends or family to an interview.
    9. Do not act as if the receptionist and interviewer are doing you a favor by seeing you.
    10. Do not forget your manners. 

        Job Interview Example


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