My Internship Experience


        Do you know which is the most challenging part when you want to do a blog post? Yup! The answer is to make an opening sentence. That's how I feel now, but I'll do my best. 

        Hi, my name is Jasinta Sekarjati or you can call me Sei for short. No need to ask how I can be called Sei because my name is not the main topic I am going to tell you guys in this blog. I created this blog to complete my English assignment, tho, I also want to share some of my experience during my internship. So please enjoy the bunch of words I typed here.

        I did my internship on January 3, 2022. PT POLA DWIPA is where I interned. My friends and I have been asked to meet with the employees who work there. Ms. Ulfa is our intern supervisor there.

        On the first day of the internship, my friends and I were assigned to draw a floor plan by hand on A3 paper. Every morning, the cafeteria waitress prepared warm tea for employees and interns. We began to redesign the floor plan we had drawn in the AutoCAD on February 2, 2022. We needed five months to finish the task. Back then, one of my friends brought a fan, because the weather in the office was very warm.

        On January 14, 2022, the company’s director invited us to take a leisurely walk to celebrate the company’s anniversary. After a leisurely walk, the company’s director gave us presents and I got a fan. At that moment, I was like a child with a new toy when I received the present. May 12, 2022, the director held a day off in celebration of Eid al-Fitr.

        When I returned, my friends and I continued the task that had been ordered by my supervisor, which was to calculate the budget for the cost of the house. It took us about two weeks to finish the task. Then we drew the house using SketchUp. Once we finished our task, we gave it to our supervisor. My supervisor invited me to visit UNDIP’s Rusunawa complex. I helped measure the size of one of the bedrooms in need of renovation.

        On June 30, 2022, we did our last internship. My friends and I bid farewell to everyone at the office. We also took photos while our supervisor was present. My internship at PT POLA DWIPA gave me a lot of impressions that I had never experienced before. I also gained a lot of knowledge through my 6-month internship at the company.


  1. good job jas! pengalaman magangmu terlihat menyenangkan.

  2. Keren banget jasinta,pengalaman magang yang seru pasti

  3. Bagus banget jasinta, pasti banyak pengalaman yang kamu dapet dari situ

  4. Kamu hebat banget Jas. Dari cara kamu memperkenalkan diri, menceritakan pengalaman kamu, sampai ke closing dibuat dengan baik dan menarik.

  5. Bagi orang yang suka membaca cerita, ini adalah cerita yang menarik.


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